Become part of the LNN Team

There are many ways you can assist in Labyrinth Network Northwest’s work, from handling a simple task that might take a few hours to serving on a committee for a year or more. Our region and members are quite diverse, so you’re sure to find a fun and interesting way to help.
Event Planning
LNN is known for its great events, and each event gets its own Planning Team. A successful happening requires a huge variety of jobs and many hands to accomplish them all. Working to put together one special occasion is a great way to get involved with LNN and meet lots of other Northwest labyrinth folks.
Short Term Ways You Can Help In LNN
- Create some publicity to help other people learn about LNN
- Hold a fund-raiser or friend-raiser in your local area
- Write an article for the online newsletter
- Let us know of a labyrinth you discovered or one that’s going to be built
- Invite a friend to become a member
- Give an LNN membership as a gift
… lots of other jobs available, too many to list.
Longer Term Ways To Serve With LNN
You can work on one of the on-going LNN Circle committees:
- Newsletter
- Publicity
- Fundraising
- Web Site
- Seasonal Events
- Special Programs
- Finance
- Membership
Other Ideas?
If you see a way you’d like to help, OR if you don’t find something here but have other useful ideas, please contact LNN and let’s see what we can do together.
LNN is here to serve the labyrinth community and we are interested in your suggestions.
The following event committees need members!
- LNN Prison Labyrinth Team at Coffee Creek Women’s Prison
- LNN on Facebook
- Summer Labyrinth Event
Choose your passion and join us.